100+ Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend


This post is to show you a fun set of 200+ cute questions to ask your boyfriend and your girlfriend that aims to have a fun time together. Some questions are a little crazy, others will make you laugh, but above all, they will help you to know a little bit more about your partner.

You can make these questions on a date too; they are not solely meant for a married couple. They are something that can liven up the atmosphere at any moment..

Let’s get started.

100+ Cute questions to ask your Boyfriend or Girlfriend

Hope these will help you find that missing element in your relationship that you have been looking for:

cute questions to ask your boyfriend

1). What was your first impression of me when we first met?
2). What, according to you, is love in three words?
3). How often do you think of me when we are far apart?
4). If you had to choose between sex and love, what would you choose?
5). If you had to make a choice between friendship and love, which would you choose and why?
6). Have you ever been in love?
7). What is your favorite thing to do in the whole wide world?
8). If I had the power to grant you a wish, what would you ask for and why?
9). If you could do one good thing for the poor or unprivileged, what would it be?
10). What was the last movie you watched?
11). Do you remember the last time you cried? Why?
12). Do you believe in God? Or are you a religious person?
13). Would you call yourself superstitious or something that you are superstitious about?
14). How do you like to relax and unwind after a day full of hard work?
15). Would you ever willingly watch a chick flick or a romantic movie?
16). At what age did you fall in love for the first time?
17). If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
18). If you could change something about me, what would you change and why?
19). What do you absolutely hate about me?
20). One thing about people that you cannot stand?

21). Do you believe in life after death? What do you think happens to our bodies and souls after we die?
22). If you could spend a romantic holiday with me, where would you like to take me?
23). Do you talk about me with your friends or family?
24). Something that you can absolutely not live without?
25). What is your favorite drink or your drink of choice?
26). Do you have a vice? If yes, what is it?
27). Did you ever steal anything as a kid?
28). Do you ever lie?
29). What attracts you the most in a woman or what is the first thing that you notice in a woman when you look at her?
30). What can you do for love?
31). What importance does love hold in your life?
32). Would you say that you are a romantic person?
33). Have you ever cheated on a girlfriend or a boyfriend in your life?
34). Something that nobody knows about you?
35). One thing that you would absolutely do before you die?
36). Do you have a bucket list? Tell me three things that are in it.
37). Have you ever been cheated on?
38). What will be the worst day of your life?
39). What will be the best day of your life?
40). Something that you look forward to in the future? What is it?

41). What gives you the most happiness in life?
42). Were you a naughty or an obedient child?
43). Something that you regret in life?
44). Tell me about the most memorable experience or day of your life till date?
45). Who is the most important person in your life or who holds the most important place in your life and why?

Most Using Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend or girlfriend (1-25)

1. How often do you lie?

2. Who is your favorite celebrity?

3. Who is your most hated celebrity?

4. Tell me something about yourself that no one knows.

5. What was your most memorable event growing up?

6. Do you like hunting?

7. What is your dream job?

8. What is the most adventurous thing you have done?

9. What is the most expensive thing you have bought for yourself?

10. What is the most expensive thing you have bought for someone else?

11. What has been your wildest fantasy?

12. What would you do if your best friend told you I was bad for you?

13. Do you consider yourself a happy person?

14. What would you do if you were stranded on an island and there was nothing to eat?

15. Would you like to go to the moon?

16. Do you believe in the after life?
17. How special a memory is your first love to you?
18. Have you ever said, “I love you” and not meant it?
19. Have your ever driven drunk?
20. What was the craziest party you’ve ever been to like?
21. Do you like my friends?
22. Do you believe in plans to save the Earth?
23. Have you ever been jealous of either of your siblings?
24. Have you ever been jealous of your best friend?

Popular Cute Questions to Ask Your BoyFriend or Girlfriend (25-50)

25. Do you believe that a girl should always earn less than her man?
26. Which super power would you most like to have?
27. Do you believe in soul mates?
28. Do you believe in love at first sight?
29. What do your friends think of me?
30. Have you ever liked your one of your best friend’s girlfriends?
31. How old were you when you started dating?

32. Do you ever dream of winning a Nobel Prize? If yes, for what?

33. What word first comes to your mind when asked to describe me?
34. What word first comes to your mind when asked to describe yourself?
35. How pretty do you think XXX is?
36. What are the qualities you like in me most?
37. What are the qualities you hate in me most?
38. What do you think about marriage?
39. What do you think about a live in relationship?

40. Do you hate your boss? Why?
41. Where would you go for your dream holiday?
42. What’s the craziest thing you have done in your life?
43. Who is the one person in your family you cannot stand?
44. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done in your life?
45. What was your first date like? Where did you go?
46. If you won the lottery, what would you do with your money?
47. Are you afraid of ghosts?
48. Who is your role model?
49. Do you like children?

50. Describe the worst date you’ve been on.
51. What are your views on religion?
52. What would you change about yourself if given a chance?
53. What is the nicest thing you ever did for a friend?
54. How much money do you dream of having?
55. Which car would you like to own?
56. Would you like to keep a dog, if yes, what would you name it?
57. If a great looking girl came up to you while I was there, what would your reaction be?

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58. If your house caught fire and you could only take one thing and run out, what would it be?
59. Who are you closer to, your mom or dad? Why?
60. If you came across a magic lamp and had three wishes to make, what would they be?
61. Are you addicted to anything?
62. What is the one thing about yourself that you hate the most?
63. Do you believe in ghosts?
64. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
65. Do you believe in God?
66. DO you believe in Vampires?
67. Were you popular in High School?

68. Do you like old people or do you think they are a nuisance?
69. Have you ever committed a crime?
70. Who is your childhood hero?
71. When did you have your first crush?
72. Have you ever liked a teacher?
73. Do you like being drunk?
74. When did you start drinking?

75. Have you ever stolen something?
76. What was the craziest dare you were ever given?
77. Which animal would you like to be?
78. What was your first impression of me?
79. What is your idea of a perfect house?
80. How many times have you been in love?
81. What is the worst thing you ever did to a friend?
82. If you are lose one of your 5 senses, which one would it be? Why?

83. If you have the power to be invisible for a day, what would you do and where would you go?
84. If today happens to be your last day on the Earth, how would you spend it?
85. As a kid, which TV character you had a crush on?
86. If you have to live your life as a popular fictional character, which one would it be and why?
87. If you were asked to be an animal right now, which animal would you want to be?
88. What is that song that describes you and your life, the best?
89. What is the craziest thing that you would do for me?
90. What is the craziest and the most beautiful gift that you have ever received?
91. If you are given the chance to trade jobs with anyone in this world, who would it be and why?

92. What would be that one thing that you would like to change about your family?
93. Which was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
94. Would you like seeing me in mini skirts and off shoulder tops?
95. Do you discuss with your friends about our relationship and what we do together?
96. What would be that one think that you would want to change in me?
97. Would you mind building a sand castle on the beach with me?
98. Would you like to enjoy a bath with me amidst the yellow and pink rose petals?
99. If I discover you lying to me, what will be your reaction?

101) What do you think about a live in relationship?
102) How many girls have you slept with?
103) Do you have a role model?
104) What do you do for a living? What would you rather do, if money was not a consideration?
105) What has been your most generous act of charity, whether in cash or kind, yet?
106) Who is the one person in your family you cannot stand?
107) Would you sleep with another girl, if I was out of the country, and the opportunity presented itself?

108) What is the most stupid thing you’ve ever done?
109) What was your relationship like with your father when you were growing up?
110) What is your relationship like now with your father?
111) Do you like to have children one day?
112) If you won the lottery, what would you do with your money?
113) What would you do if I told you I cannot stand the sight of your friend?
114) What would you do if your best friend disapproved of me?
115) When was the last time you really laughed?
116) What would you do if I told you I cannot stand the sight of your friend?
117) Where would you go for your dream holiday?
118) Have you ever sexually abused another girl?
119) When was the last time you felt really proud of yourself?

120) What has been an embarrassing moment for you?
121) Have you had an experience you would say has impacted the direction of your life?
122) How is your relationship now with your siblings?
123) Which celebrity do you admire?
124) Have you ever thought about ending our relationship?
125) If we ever got married and had a child with a deformity, how would you handle it?
126) Do you have any sexually transmitted diseases?
127) If a relative died and left you a million dollars, what would you do with the money?
128) Have you had to make an important decision that affected the direction of your life?
129) What are good leisure activities a family should try to do together?

Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

130) Do you own or use a desktop computer or a laptop?
131) How would you define a good sexual relationship?
132) What are the qualities you hate in me most?
133) Are you addicted to porn?
134) Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?
135) What do you think of this expression: Where there was fire, ashes remain.
136) What is your biggest goal in life?
137) How long did your most intimate relationship last?
138) What are the most important things in life?
139) How do you like to spend New Year’s Eve?
140) What is the most adventurous thing you have done?

Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

141) How do you like to celebrate your birthday?
142) Who is your hero, do you have more than one?
143) What questions would you like me to answer?
144) Do you still have feelings for an ex?
145) Do you have any opinions about politics?
146) Do you usually follow your heart or your head?
147) How important is your family to you?
148) What would you do if your best friend told you I was bad for you?
149) How long are you on the internet every day?
150) What is your opinion about same gender relationships?
151) Do you believe in any god or gods? Why? Are you spiritual?

Read Next: Most Likely to Questions (150+ Best Questions)

Cute Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

152) What do you think is the key to good parenting?
153) Do you like going window shopping?
154) If a great looking girl came up to you while I was there, what would your reaction be?
155) Do you like to go dancing?
156) Do you have any hobbies?
157) Do you like pets?
158) What would you do if you were stranded on an island and there was nothing to eat?
159) Do you like cooking?
160) Do you like partying? Attending parties? Giving parties?
161) Do you like to travel? Which has been your best vacation so far? What made it so special?

Now, I have come at the end of the article. Time to wrap up. I will add more new cute questions to ask your boyfriend or girlfriend on this list soon.

It is your time to go through the collection and find some cute questions to ask your partner to know him/her more deeply and have fun together.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..