81). What do you think is the biggest nightmare of having pets?
82). Would you like to date someone with good looks or someone with great money?
83). Can you murder someone even if you have to go to the jail for it?
84). What is that one joke that you cannot tell without laughing hard?
Such light conversations are must to have with your guy). You should know his lighter side for sure). Such funny questions to ask a guy are really crazy). And apart from it you can also listen to the crazy joke of him.
85). Whom do you consider then funniest person in your life and why?
86). Have you ever felt like marrying a porn star?
87). Do you secretly crush on your best friend’s girlfriend?
88). What is the thing you find most attractive about a girl?
89). Can you compare your life to an animal and give the reason for it?
Get ready to listen to some funniest replies on such funny questions to ask a guy). No matter what animal he says). But there should be a perfect reply for why he is choosing that animal.
90). Have you slapped someone so hard that it started bleeding?
91). Who do you think is that person who should not be the singer?
92). Who is the most annoying celebrity according to you?
93). Do you believe in the fact that getting old lessens the romance in your life?
94). What is that one rule about girls that you always follow?
95). Do you find it a bit awkward to cross ways with your ex?
You should definitely ask such questions). It is important for you to know that whether his ex still influence him or not). Such funny questions to ask a guy may get serious at many times). so you should have that skill to mould the conversation correctly.
96). What is your perfect idea for a yummy tummy lunch?
97). Among all the girls that you dated who do you think was the hottest one?
98). What do you like more, ice creams or cold drinks?
99). What do you think is the perfect summer clothes for guys?
100). Why do you like to go to beaches?