mSpy Review – Is really a Parental Control Software?


Is it the best phone tracking software in the industry? Well, it certainly is one of the most hyped, talked-about and well-known.

But hey, those aren’t metrics for anything, are they? Hence, I’m scribbling this extremely detailed review of mSpy.

Throughout this piece, I’ve personally tried and tested every single feature the app offers. I’ll discuss how each feature performs and what it lacks, with screenshots to back my claims.

The point is, if you’d like to monitor an Android or iOS device, without Jailbreaking or rooting it, this mSpy review may be worth your time.

mSpy Phone Tracker Software Overview

mSpy is a phone monitoring software that gives you nearly complete access to the target device. It’s one of the oldest phone spying apps in the industry and was launched in 2011.

  • No Jailbreaking/rooting required
  • iOS and Android compatible.
  • Installation time: 4-5 minutes
  • No traces were left on the target device
  • Full access to messages/contacts/social media/gallery etc.
  • Get mSpy:

Get Your mSpy Subscription Today!

Let’s get started then?

Why Should You Trust This mSpy Review?

Well, that’s a legitimate question. You can find hundreds of reviews about everything on the web. Did you know most of those reviews aren’t even authentic? The reviewers do not always use the product first-hand.  Hence, on the pretext of a review, what you get is a description of features.

That’s exactly what I’ve avoided on this mSpy review. To get you an honest, experience-based review, I actually purchased mSpy. No, it wasn’t a “review copy”, I did pay for the product from my own pocket.

This also empowers me to be brutally honest and transparent on this review. I’m not sugar-coating things or trying to sell you mSpy.

Everything I say on this mSpy review is 100% legit. I didn’t just read what the website “claims to offer” on the website. Rather, I’ll list what my first-hand experience with each of its features has been like.

Let’s begin?

  • Installation

This is where you’d start your mSpy journey, isn’t it? Getting the app installed.

Well, for starters, you can not “remotely install” the application. You must have physical access to the device.

It requires about 5 minutes of overall access for the app to be installed on the device.

The installation is 100% guided. Once you login to your mSpy account, you’re told exactly what to do. It even shows you “video guides” for each step!

The process basically includes the following (on Android):

  • Disable “Play Protect” on the target device
  • Sign into your mSpy account
  • Download your mSpy installation file
  • Install it on the target device.
  • An installation code is displayed on your mSpy account
  • Enter the displayed code on the target device
  • Grant a bunch of permissions on the target device
  • Done

The list may seem like a lot, but fret not. When you click on the “Add device” button on your mSpy account, you get step-by-step instructions on what to do!

mSpy Review

(This is the final page you get after installation. It tells you how to hide mSpy and keep it hidden).

Done. Once you’ve installed the application on your target phone, you’re all set.

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  • Completely Undetectable

The installation sure is easy. But, what of the aftermath? Fortunately, mSpy is completely undetectable once it’s installed.

There’s no icon that’s displayed on the device, anywhere. There’s nothing marked mSpy or similar even in the list of the installed application.

  • User-Interface

Once you’re done with the installation, this is what you’ll see:

mSpy Review

This is your primary dashboard. Pretty modern and easy to understand, isn’t it?

On the left sidebar, you’d see a list of all its primary features. Simply click on whatever it is you wish to use.

The center screen is mostly informative. You get information about your account, as well as the target device.

For your account, it shows your subscription type & expiry date.

For the device, it shows the OS, device model, battery, Wi-Fi and mobile data status etc.

Just below that you’ll see a list of:

  • Top visited sites
  • Top calling contacts and
  • Top messaging contacts.

You can access more details about these by clicking on the “see all” button.

All in all, I’d say there’s no learning curve and just about anyone can start using mSpy. You agree, don’t you?

  • Contact Monitoring

Once you’ve installed the app, all you’ve got to do is login to your mSpy account to start monitoring it.

“Contacts” is the first feature that’s on a long list of features. A simple click on it and it shows you all the contacts on the phone.

What did I love about it? It not only shows you the currently available contacts, but even those that were previously deleted!

mSpy Review

  • Text Messages

Of course, no phone monitoring app would be complete without access to text messages, right?

You of course get that with mSpy. The neatly labeled Text Messages feature is what you need to click on.

mSpy Review

You can even filter the text messages by dates or range (last 30 days/ 14 days/ 7 days etc.).

  • Call Logs

The next feature of interest is its call logs. The feature reveals the following:

mSpy Review

  • The contact that called/received the call
  • Incoming/outgoing/missed status of the call
  • Date & time of the call
  • Duration of the call.

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  • Photos & Videos

I’m sure you’d like to gain access to the photos/videos on the device, wouldn’t you?

The very simply labeled “Photos” and “Videos” options on the left sidebar do just that. Simply click on them and you’d get full access to the media stored on the device.

mSpy Review

*Note: Photos take a bit of time to get synced, at times 10+ hours. Of course, it depends on a number of factors. However, do give them at least 24 hours to be synced. It’s natural for you to see a blank page on the photo page after a fresh install.

  • Check/Monitor WiFi Networks

Just below the “video” option, you’d find the “WiFi Networks” option. It just shows you all the networks available to the device.

One primary benefit of this is, it may help you ascertain who the user is with, in case they’re connected to someone else’s Wi-Fi.

  • Keylogger

This is probably one of the most useful and practical features on mSpy.

It has this Keylogger that logs everything that’s typed on the phone. It doesn’t care which “app”. It can be Whatsapp, text message, Instagram, or anywhere else.

If something is typed, it’s logged.

mSpy Review

As the screenshot shows, along with the typed message, you also get the name of the App where the keyword was typed.

This also means you’d be getting access to any and all passwords required to log in to any apps on the device.

The keys/characters are also date & time-stamped so you know exactly when the characters were typed.

  • List of Installed Apps

Then there’s another feature that shows you a list of installed applications on the target device.

mSpy Review

There isn’t anything you can do with the apps. However, the existence (or lack thereof) some apps tells you a lot, doesn’t it?

E.g. if the device has Tinder/Pornhub or maybe doesn’t have specific apps provides from your office/organization, you’ve got some leads, haven’t you?

  • Advanced Keyword Tracking

Okay, so this is one of those features that makes mSpy unique. I haven’t seen this feature with most other cell tracking apps and I’ve used at least 6 other industry leaders.

So, you get to set keywords that you’d like to track. E.g. “Nudes”. Then, you can choose to track the keyword across all apps, or one specific app.

mSpy Review

mSpy then records any time the specific keyword(s) are found. You can also choose to be notified via e-mail as soon as the keyword is found, or you can manually check the “detected keywords” page later.

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  • Location Access and Geo-Fencing

mSpy has two primary location-based features. The first of course is simply GPS locations. It shows you the location of wherever the device is.

The “Geo Fencing” feature is what’s of interest.

So, you can add “zones”. Simply tap on the map, zoom in to your exact location, and click. A circle would show up. You can then use the slider to expand/reduce the radius if the circle/zone.

mSpy Review

Now, you can choose to be notified (or you can mute the notifications) whenever:

  • The device enters the designated zone
  • And whenever it leaves the zone.

This is extremely useful for monitoring your school kids as well as employees!

Yes, you can add multiple zones with their own unique settings for each!

  • Social Network Monitoring

I’m sure this is something that’s of most importance for most of you on this mSpy review.

Yes, mSpy has a very long list of social networks it can monitor. You can check the conversations on:

mSpy Review

  • Whatsapp
  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Tinder
  • Telegram
  • Kik
  • Line
  • Skype
  • And half a dozen other apps!

On your end, you simply need to click on the network you’d like to access. mSpy instantly shows you all the messages (both sent and received) for it.

  • ScreenRecorder

This is another one of the desirable features you may like on this mSpy review.

The app has an in-built screen recorder that’s triggered by Whatsapp, Instagram and a few other social networks.

Whenever one of these apps is launched, ScreenRecorder snaps periodic screenshots and sends them back to you.

You may not get the full picture as there’s some delay between each snapshot but it does give you an idea. For the full picture, you can obviously utilize the feature discussed above.

Get Your mSpy Subscription Today!

  • Internet Monitoring

There are three primary features mSpy offers in terms of Internet monitoring.

  • Browser History: Gives you a detailed list of each website visited. The details include the website title, URL, last visit as well as the no. of views.

mSpy Review

While the latter two aren’t something I find very useful, the browser history sure is very informative.

  • Remote Restrictions

Finally, you can also issue commands to the device remotely.

You can:

  • Block Wi-Fi
  • Block specific websites
  • Or block applications directly!

mSpy Review

Again, this helps you prevent your kids or employees from accessing websites or using Wi-Fi/apps they shouldn’t be using.

  • Advanced Interval and Network Configurations

Well, this is something most of you probably won’t touch. And, you don’t need to. However, these settings are available and hence are being mentioned.

mSpy Review

For each available feature, you can choose if you want it to be updated/synced over mobile data or WiFi. You can also choose “all connection” which means you’ll receive the data regardless of the type of internet that the device is using.

On the same page, you can set the interval for each sync. It can be as low as 5 minutes or as high as 24 hours. Multiple options in between these two-time brackets are available as well.

This isn’t a major feature but I’m sure the added control is desirable.

mSpy Support

Before I sign off this mSpy review, let’s talk a bit of its support. 

So, there’s a 24X7 live chat on the site. In my honest opinion, it’s not the fastest out there but it sure is responsive. It’s the initial contact that takes a bit of time.

However, you can always opt for mAssistance. It’s an extremely advanced form of support that mSpy offers. In fact, they will install the app on your target device via team-viewer and even help with Jailbreaking/rooting it if required.

You could also simply subscribe to a priority support line. It costs extra but gives you an extremely fast connection to the support team.

mSpy Pricing Plans AND DISCOUNTS

So, let’s address the Elephant in the room?

How much does mSpy cost?

Mspy-1-Month-Premium-PlanIt has two primary plans:

  • The premium: It offers all the features.
  • The Basic Plan: It doesn’t offer any social media access and a few other features are also missing.

As for the pricing, it massively depends on your “payment term”. The longer you opt for, the cheaper you pay.

E.g. the premium costs $69.99 if you pay just for 1 month, however, it’s just $411.26 if you pay for an entire year, that’s about $34.00/month.

Similarly, the basic plan costs $29.99/month if paid monthly. However, paying yearly is just $99.99 for the entire year.

mSpy Discount Coupon

Well, mSpy is extremely generous with its discounts.

Simply Join using this link and you’ll probably get a discount on the total pricing anyway.

If you don’t, initiate a chat with the team and ask them for a discount. In most cases, they should be able to offer you massively slashed prices.

Frequently Asked Questions About mSpy

I’m sure you’ve got a decent idea of its features. However, you may have a few common questions lurking in your upper hemisphere? Allow me to answer them.

  • Does mSpy require rooting or Jailbreaking?

Absolutely not, and that’s probably one of the best features of mSpy.

You can use it on any Android or iOS without having to worry about Jailbreaking or rooting.

mSpy Review

The screenshot above shows you my test device isn’t rooted and yet it functions just as it should.

  • What features mSpy lacks?

So far, mSpy does seem impressive. However, I must say it does have room for improvement. (Hey, I did say I’ll be honest and unbiased throughout this mSpy review, didn’t I?)

The only major feature which I felt it needed desperately but lacked was call/mic recording.

I’ve been with other similar apps before. It’s not an impossible feature to implement. I’d have liked if there was a feature that let me record the calls or even automatically recorded them.

Similarly, if I could record the mic audio at any given time from my end, that would be pretty impressive as well.

Another feature it lacks but I’ve found with its competitors is instant real-time snapshot. The feature, if available, could let me instantly take a snapshot of the device’s screen and whatever was on the screen.

The last feature I miss with mSpy is camera control. I’ve seen similar apps offer instant, real-time camera capture.

Well, I’m not complaining but those feature would’ve certainly sweetened the deal.

  • Can I install mSpy remotely?

Unfortunately, no. Physical access is required. You sure could guide someone else remotely over the phone or via a screen-sharing app, but that person must have physical access to the device.

  • Is there a mSpy free trial?

No. mSpy doesn’t offer any free trials whatsoever.

  • Is there a refund policy?

Certainly. If you don’t like the app, you get 100% of your funds back if requested within 14 days of purchase.

  • Can mSpy team access the files on my device?

No. The files and data on your device can not be accessed by mSpy or its team.

Final verdict: Is mSpy The Best Phone Monitoring Software?

mSpy-1-month-PremiumI wouldn’t say it’s the absolute best. However, it does have some of the most advanced features, one of the simplest installation procedures, and is overall pretty close to the top.

It gives us easy access to the entire device, messages, social media, files, etc.

Yes, the pricing isn’t cheap but then quality things in life seldom are, eh? You could always start with its basic plan and then upgrade to the premium later.

And hey, the 14-day refund policy got your back as well. Get off this mSpy review and go check it out eh?

Get Your mSpy Subscription Today!

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..