Novogara Review – Netherland Based Hosting Service


A ton of variables come into effect when we’re searching for the best anonymous offshore hosting companies. Some companies are anonymous, but are limited in the number of offshore locations, others are location-rich but not anonymous. Which features does Novogara confirm to is what we’ll discuss in this Novogara Hosting Review.

If this is your first time here, note that these reviews aren’t only honest and unbiased, but also transparent. Meaning, all the tests we carry out can be individually verified by you folks and it’s not just heresy.

The primary factors we’d discuss in this Novogara Hosting Review are:

  • Anonymity
  • Server Locations.
  • Payment Modes.
  • Unaccepted/Restricted Content.
  • Server Response Time (SRT)
  • SRT with Increased Traffic.
  • Support
  • Types of Servers and Pricing.

I do believe that covers most if not all the questions any individual might have or consider  before finalizing a hosting company, don’t you agree?

Mivocloud Hosting

Novogara Offshore Hosting Quick Overview

We surely will get into the details, but summarizing the entire content in a few lines may save a lot of your time so let me just do that for this Novogara Hosting Review:

  • Primary URL:
  • Server Location: Netherlands
  • Payment methods: Both Bitcoin and Fiat.
  • Cheapest Plan: EUR 29.00/month.
  • Servers: Dedicated
  • DMCA Ignored: No
  • Content not allowed: Listed in the AUP section.

Before proceeding further, note that if it’s any other type of server you’re looking for apart from Dedicated ones, Novogara doesn’t provide them. You sure can check any of our other Anonymous Offshore Hosting reviews out.

  • Anonymity

Not all offshore hosting companies are clearly public on their “anonymity policies”, and Novogara is one them.

The company lacks a T&C page, and it doesn’t mention anywhere else the requirement of the registration data having to be true either. So unless they initiate a manual verification of your account, a pseudonym probably can be used to register on the platform.

As for payments, a number of payment method are accepted some of which are completely anonymous.

No information about stored logs are available, although from its other policies it’s probable the company logs IP addresses and other user data as well.

  • Server Locations

The location of a company’s servers are what make it “offshore” to begin with. Novogara doesn’t offer a long list of locations, but the one it does offer is more than enough.

The Novogara servers are located in Netherlands. Netherlands is for digital content, what Switzerland is for money. The digital-laws there are extremely liberal towards DMCA and other content which may not be allowed on other servers.

  • Payment Modes

Fiat payments (non-Cryptocurrency) are easy, traditional and faster. Yet, they’re traceable and not exactly an anonymity-preaching structure. Cryptocurrencies are on the other hand extremely anonymous and tracing payments to a person are neither very easy nor cheap.

Payments on Novogara can be made using:

  • Bitcoin
  • Cards (VISA/ MasterCards / American Express)
  • Perfect Money.
  • Western Union.
  • And Money Gram.
  • Unaccepted/Restricted Content

One of the primary reasons why we go with offshore hosting companies is because of the content-liberty they provide. Or in other words, the possibilities to circumvent our local laws and share content which may not exactly be legal in our own countries.

Novogara being hosted in Netherlands doesn’t have a lot of content restrictions, the listed exceptions as of now are:

  • Child Porn
  • Spam
  • Malware
  • Phishing
  • DDoS.

It does allow “Streaming” only if and when the server is equipped with a takedown tool. They require all Copyright notices to be dealt with within 20 minutes from the time of being reported. If no such tool is used, Streaming isn’t allowed.

DMCA/Pirated content may not be included in the restricted list, but its policy for Streaming servers hints at the fact that they probably do not allow such content, and all DMCA requests are taken seriously.

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  • Server Response Time (SRT)

We weren’t able to perform a Pingdom test for unknown reasons on the site to get the load-time of the company.

But we did manage to get a hold of its Server Response Times! The SRT heavily impacts the load-time, so these results can be used to get an idea of the server’s load-time performance.

Here’s the SRT results we got for from a Bitcatcha SRT test (verify result authenticity):


Now these numbers aren’t as good as those which we got during our Lalek Hosted Review or UANode Hosting Review, but are still acceptable, especially for Germany and London visitors.

  • SRT With Increased Traffic

This test will establish the server’s stability (or instability) when there’s a traffic-spike on the website.


The result above was obtained when we sent 25 Virtual Users to the site and monitored the server’s heartbeat closely.  (Verify result authenticity).

This is one of the straightest lines we’ve ever seen during any of our reviews. Also, the average requirement was just 104ms which is nothing if not impressive. The stability is clearer when contrasted with the results we obtained for our Shinjiru Hosting Review.

So in a nutshell, the Server Response Time isn’t static only when the site is stale and without traffic, but remains so even when there’s a mob crowding the site.

  •  Support

The company doesn’t seem to be very big on support. Neither is a 24X7 live-chat available, nor a time-limited one as we saw with our Mivocloud review.

They only provide a calling number +31 (0)20 – 261 34 81, and an e-mail ID- both of which can be used to reach the Novogara team.

Although functional, the calling number isn’t feasible for international clients based out of Netherlands, and E-mail obviously isn’t as fast as a live-chat.

Types of Servers and Plans

As mentioned in the opening lines of this Novogara Hosting Review, the company isn’t for those who’re looking for starter plans, as in Shared or VPS servers.

It’s a Dedicated server-only company. Although it has an additional “Streaming Server” page but that too isn’t completely without restrictions.

Plans start from EUR 29.00 and go as high as EUR 249.00/month. Streaming servers have only two pricing plans at EUR 259.00/month and EUR 299.00/month each.

Additional 10 GBPS Dedicated Servers are available for really heavy bandwidth-demanding sites, they start at EUR 225.00/month and may go as high as EUR 999.00/month.Webcare 360 Offshore DMCA Ignored Hosting

Final Verdict

This Novogara Hosting Review is comparatively less-detailed than our other Anonymous Hosting Reviews,  But that’s only because for some reasons we were unable to run the Pingdom test on the servers.

We however did find a way to get you the Server Response Time (both without, and under Duress) test for the platform.

Personally, I’d say the Acceptable Use Policy (content policy) is acceptable, the server-types sure aren’t for beginners, and the location is one of the best as far as anonymous offshore hosting goes.

So if average privacy and good quality servers are what you’re looking for, the company may be a potential option for you to look at.  But don’t do so simply because I tell you to, infact do let me know why you don’t agree with this Novogara Hosting Review and which company you’d rather go with instead of Novogara?

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..