81.what you wish list says you to do before getting retired?
82). What was the most awesome trip you had with your friends?
Such random questions to ask a guy will turn the conversation towards a happy side. It can rejoice all the good memories he have of that trip. This is just the perfect way to make him feel enthusiastic and positive.
83). What do you think are the harms of having a pet?
84). What kind of hairs do you think suits best on a woman?
85). Who is that celebrity you want to sleep with?
86). If you have to give away the clothes of a particular color then which it would be?
87). Can you trust someone again being cheated on by them?
This can let you know about his nature and tolerance. Such random questions to ask a guy are the warning for you to not commit any mistakes.
88). Have you ever got this much drunk that you puked in front of everyone?
89). What would you select from million dollar cash or million dollars worth jewellery?
90). What is your most favorite genre of songs?
91). Can you break someone’s heart in order, to be honest?
92). What is the importance of manipulation in your life?
93). In which way you want to be remembered by everyone?
94). Do you have that excessive urge of getting famous?
95). How many children do you want to have?
It can be really fun to ask to him. These kind of random questions to ask a guy are just to know that whether he has done some calculation for his future or not. These light-hearted questions are just to know him better.
96). Which is that one habit you know is bad but you can’t leave?
97). Can you do something offensive just for the sake of your love?
98). What is your idea of winning over someone’s heart?
99). Do you have the phobia of Monday morning?
100). How much do you hate to go office after a long weekend?