YouTube Video Ideas to Earn Passive Income from Youtube


Are you looking for YouTube video ideas to create some stunning videos which people love to watch? If yes, you have stumbled at right place.

Today, I am going to share best youtube video ideas which will help you to create amazing videos which get thousands hits every minute and to make more and more money.

Let me start with basic introduction of Youtube 🙂

Youtube is world popular website for watching any kind of videos from health to fun and many more.

It has always fascinated all of us with the amazing videos which are uploaded by more than thousands of people around the world.

While we may enjoy watching those funny, exciting, helping videos, the owner of the video may make an earning out of it.

Youtube video ideas

When you are curious to learn some new things? First name which comes into your mind is Youtube.

Off course, people prefer Youtube more than Google. Since everyone can understand videos easily as compared to text.

That’s why people prefer to watch videos as compared to reading articles.

That’s thing which force you to make videos. Who want to lose opportunities to earn money?

While it is not just about earning money, you can become famous all over the world if you follow experts’ advice.

Before moving ahead, you need to know some basics about YouTube.

a). How YouTubeWorks
b). How to start your YouTube channel
c). What do you need to make videos
d). Tips to Follow While Creating YouTube Videos

1). How YouTube Works

How YouTube Works, here I want to tell you about how YouTube pays you for the videos.

Youtube pays you for the ads you put up with your video. You may have seen ads before the video starts, or in between. The YouTube pays for it. There are two types of ads CPC and CPV that is,

CPC (cost per click)

Cost per click is those which come as a pop up in between video and if anyone clicks on those ads the video owner gets a commission.

CPV (cost per view)

Costs per view ads are those video ads which come before or in between videos. If anyone watches those ads for 30 seconds or half of the ad, whatever comes first YouTuber gets the commission for it.

That means you need to have some amazing content which is viewed by no of viewers to get some real earning as maybe not everyone will see the ad or click on them. You should have authoritative content which hooks your audience so that they don’t opt out before your video because of ads.

Some best CPC, CPV Program for high Earning:

Bellow given all sites are trusted and mostly people use these given ad networks for video traffic monetize.


If you are still looking another good ad networks then checkout my another high ad networks related post.

2). How to start your YouTube channel

There are simple steps to start your YouTube channel and start earning out of it.

1). First, you have to go to the and sign in with your Google account if not already to have your space on YouTube.

2). Next on the left-hand side click on my channel tab to start your channel.

3). Then next thing you need to do is add your channel icon and channel art.

4). Your channel name is linked to your Google+ account so if you want to change the name of the channel you need to make a change in Google+ account.

5). After that, you can see the description area just below the name tag. When you hover with your mouse over it you may find edit icon on its upper right corner. Click that icon and write a description about your channel. It is crucial as it would be shown in each of your videos about tab. So try to keep it small and as relevant to your channel as much as possible.

6). After making this simple addition to the channel now you can upload your videos by clicking the button in top right corner in the search bar area. (pic 3)

7). Now by clicking the video manager option in your channel you could go to the features panel of your channel.

8). Click on the channel option in the panel and then in status and feature you can verify your account and enable monetization.

3). What do you need to make videos

You just need two things to start your base that is a camcorder or your smartphone with high video quality camera and your imagination. Well, other things like stage setup, tripod to hold the camera, lighting, and so on are also used to make videos, but you can start with the basic things and invest in other as you grow up the ladder.

It does not matter that you are from which place of the world if you can make something amazing to show on YouTube then you can be famous on YouTube.

4). Tips to Follow While Creating YouTube Videos

Here are some tips which you need to follow while creating Youtube videos. If you follow all below tips, you will get awesome result.

1). First research about topic which you want to cover in video. If you don’t know about topic, how you will be able to create original, informative and mind blowing content.

2). Don’t copy others ideas. You can take ideas from them but repeating same thing will not work for you.

3). Don’t violate any trademark, copyrights and guidelines.

4). Promote yourself and your brand using social media and various videos websites.

5). Ask to your friends to subscribe Your YouTube channel and share your video’s with their friends.

6). Respond every time when someone comment on your videos and make friendly environment for them. Networking plays an important role to make things viral and famous in no time.

7). Be consistent and post videos regularly basis. Consistency maters lot.

8). Optimize your videos for search engine also. I will discuss about this later in more detail.

Let’s come back to main point now,

Best Youtube Video Ideas

Now the time comes when I am helping you to get fantasticYouTube video ideas to earn some cash out of YouTube from your comfort of home. Below are 21 YouTube video ideas which are very popular on YouTube and you may have seen at least couple of them on your YouTube feed every day, and they help the youtuber to get famous as well as earn some money from it.

1). Capturing funny moments

Have you seen that ‘Charlie bit my finger’ video? Yes, that video has made their daddy whopping $2, 00,000 from YouTube only. You can make these types of videos too, is there any funny moment you had captured before, or anyone in your family so you can upload it. If you don’t have it yet, you can simply make those videos by being at the right place at the right time only. I am not saying you could easily find these videos every time, but one even couple of them could have you make some fabulous cash.

2. Cute animal and baby videos

From this idea here comes another. You can always capture your animals or babies on video doing some fun stuff. Their innocence, curiosity, their way to see the world differently made them to do something new every day. Some these things could be so much amazing that can’t stop watching that over and over again. Just keep in mind to have a good quality video to upload on YouTube channel. And from them, you could get a number of YouTube video ideas everyday.

3). Making parody videos

Parody videos are those videos in which you laugh at someone or something, or you intimate someone. They are very popular among youngsters from last few years and growing on. You may have seen YouTubers like Lilly Singh aka “superwomen” or Zaid alit make this kind of videos a lot. While they laugh at their parents or how parents are in general. They also make some money out of it too. Just keep in mind you won’t hurt someone’s feelings in your family of whom you are making a parody of. This idea is one of the really tried and tested YouTube video ideas to work.

4). Health or fitness routine

Now a days everyone is conscious about their well-being, and while everyone wants to live a healthy life, not everyone is ready to hit the gym or to look for a nutritionist may it be time or the expensive fees they ask.

If you know about health and know how to live a healthy lifestyle with fitness routines like exercise and yoga. You can share them with people on YouTube by making your video of recommending fitness regimes for different health and body issues or sharing your secret tips to be in great shape without spending much on those gyms and dieticians appointments.

5). Exploring local area

Do you live in a place where there are many sight-seeing places? Do you like to check out various locations in your state? If the answer is yes, then go for it to make great YouTube video ideas from it. You can take your camera with you next time you are out on a trip to some fabulous place or even a park and can help people know more about the places to visit next time when they are in your neighborhood.

All you need to do is research a bit about the place like, when is it made, or what was the motive behind making it, who made it, etc. You can even add the bites of daily visitors of that place or any guard of the site as they surely know some amazing things about those location which you may never find elsewhere.

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6). Make use of your gaming skills

Do you love gaming? Have you spent your childhood playing GTA games again and again till you end it with all possible ways? You can show off your gaming skills on the YouTube by turning your skills to amazing YouTube video ideas. You simply need to record your gaming skills and share those hidden paths or walkthroughs of the games which you have mastered over time. Shortcut, cheat codes, solving tricks share them for those another gamer out there who share the same passion of yours to the games.

7). How to videos

These types of videos are hit among all age group of people because of the diversity of the category alone. If you are expert in something why not share it with others. Many of these types of YouTube videos ideas are perfect for women. You can share tutorials about organizing your home or even a part of your space, tutorial about various makeup techniques, fitness tutorials, etc. these also includes the hacks. No, not the computer hacking type of hacks but the hacks to get your work done easily. Sharing various beauty hacks, life hacks, or even weird hacks are among these YouTube video ideas.

At last, if you really do not have any tutorial technique or hack to share so you can even share ‘how to not’ in this kind of videos you can show the audience what happens when you try to be an expert in something you don’t know. Just keep in mind you do not do anything which could make you harm or violate any rules or regulation of YouTube.

8). Product Reviews

While more and more online shopping portals are coming to the views, people are getting more options to buy products, and sometimes it may confuse them is the things worthy of buying, or do the company is excellent to believe for what it offers?

You can help them by reviewing those products which are newly launched or much in the hype over the internet or products which are highly demanded by the public. Reviewing them makes great YouTube video ideas as it helps in increasing your viewers and ultimately helps you monetize them.

9). Your experience of hotel

This is great YouTube video idea if you love to travel and spend your time in hotels. While you enjoy your stay at the hotel, you can also record your experience in there. You can just record the ambiance of the place, the services they provide, their features like personal Jacuzzi, swimming pool, playing courtyard, ambience etc. that they offer. And after your visit, you can simply talk about your whole experience of that particular hotel, about your likes and dislikes their and anything that a person should know before checking in at that place.

10). Videos about best restaurant in place

Just like hotel reviews you can also make videos about the best restaurants to visit in a given location. These can be turn into great YouTube video ideas as you can share your experience about the restaurant, their services, the quality of food, how much you like it or if not then why so, etc. You can just record the place ambiance and the service provided to you at there and can help a lot of people to choose where to spend their time.

11). Haul videos

Do you like shopping? If yes, you can change your upcoming shopping trips into fabulous YouTube video ideas quickly. Haul videos are getting more popular day by day; people love to see experiences of shopping in malls, various outlets, etc. you can share your shopping list and what you got in your cart with the audience.

If it is a clothing haul, you can try on clothing haul and show how to style those clothes if you like the quality material of fabric, etc. or if its haul of various products like household items or grocery, you can share how you like the grocery and which one do you like most.In the house hold items section you can share various products you use in your home or if any other way to use them which bring us to the next two YouTube video ideas on our list.

12). DIY

DIY means Do It Yourself. You can not only upload a video in this category, but you can make a whole series of YouTube video ideas out of it. DIY is more popular as recycling old products or things taking space in your home without any use. The idea is to make something new out of old recyclable things. The best part is you can simply take inspiration from any youtuber and make the same type of DIY but do mention that youtube video maker, who was your inspiration behind the project. Some of the instant project ideas are like, making small organizing boxes out of parcel box. Making various holiday or celebration cards, making home décor items and so on.

13). Dressing styles

Do you know the latest trend in fashion, or know how to style your clothes to make a new trend? Are you a trendsetter among your social life? If yes, then why not change these into amazing YouTube video ideas? Then start making your videos with the latest trends to wear, help with your knowledge of fashion by sharing the tips and tricks with others on how to keep up with fashion. You can share various dressing style according to seasons, festivals, occasions, themes or parties, etc.

14). Cooking show

If you like cooking and love to try new recipes or to invent your own by experimenting in your kitchen, so why not change them into YouTube video ideas for earning. Next time when you are cooking in your kitchen dorecord it. Don’t forget to give your commentary in between to help them know what are the ingredients you are using and in how much quantity you would need those to make your dish. Do share various tips and tricks you may know which can help them in cooking or motivate them to try something new.

15). Dance

You can also upload your dance videos if you are a trained dancer or you have those dancing skills and flexibility in your body. Even short clips of various dancing style like, locking and popping, hip hop, etc. on popular songs are famous these days. Just put on your dancing shoes on take the volume up of your speakers and your camera in position to record your moves and hit the dance floor. They are really great YouTube video ideas to shoot your video like a random video capturing.

16). Reviewing apps

Every day a new app is launching which promises to make your smartphone more appealing than ever, may it be a productivity app or a gaming app or any new social app. You can change those in your YouTube video ideas.You can review all those apps on your smartphone, and help others know that are those appreally worthy of downloading and giving the time to learn how to use them. Or even you can help your audience to understand various features of an app which is helpful or popular downloaded app in smartphones.

17). FAQ videos

Giving an interview is similar to conducting an FAQ. All you need is to ask people in your social media to send you questions for your upcoming FAQ videos, and you can tell them you will be mentioning the questioner in the video. In that way, more people will view your videos to see if their question ends up on video. This is one of the great YouTube video ideas asyou can interview anyone with this technique of asking your social media network to send you to question they would like to request to your guest.

18). Response to another video

You can create a series of videos about your response to someone else’s video. All you need is to record yourself while watching the video and giving random comments that pop up in your mind while watching those videos. You can do it a couple of times a week or maybe every day without getting out of content. You can even expand these YouTube video ideas as sharing response of your sibling or parents to the videos over the internet, or you could share parody of your parent’s response to the videos.

19). Movies review

Do you like to watch the first day first show?? And feel the urge to spill the beans in front of everyone? If yes, then you can surely make great YouTube video ideas with every first show you watch. Share your review of the latest picture you had watched. All about the director, cast, crew how they had performed, how much you do like the story and lots more. You need to tell your audience that should they go and watch the movie or not? Is it worth spending your money and time at the theater? But keep in mind don’t spill the beans by start telling the story word to word and uncover the whole action or suspense of movie or it will spoil the whole fun of watching the movie for the peoples who may want to really look it.

20). Rant videos

Ranting videos or the videos about the things that you don’t like or that annoy you can all be in this category. Ranting in videos means complaining about some topic. These are really great YouTube video ideas because there are many topics you could rant about. It can be the new music that you didn’t like, or some celebrity, deadlines of work, atime when you don’t have any work or when you have a lot of work and not much time. Even you could take your ranting to the whole level above with the topics like poverty, global warming, pollution, government etc. it could be anything you may dislike much that you can talk about it for 10 to 15 minutes without getting off the topic or lose the thread of your thoughts.

21). Room tours

If you like to decorate your room, living area, even bathroom or garden so why not show it on YouTube and help others to get creative with their space and to try out some tips and tricks provided by you to give a makeover to the house. You can share the tour of your various areas around your home and tell your audience how you had customized your place and given it your touch of life. Be it new cushion covers you had made yourself or changing the sitting area in your dining room. You can also share your various organizing ideas you may have used in your house while giving the tour.

YouTube Video Ideas Conclusion:

So here in this article, I had shared with you 21 amazing YouTube video ideas to start your YouTube career and while becoming famous, you can also make an earning out of it too. I had shared here how you can start your YouTube channel in 8 easy steps and what are the essentials you will need to start making YouTube videos to reach your ultimate goal of earning through them.

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Nagama Ansari
Nagama Ansari is a well-known blogger and digital marketer, working in the industry from several year, and has written more than 1000+ well-researched information guides and product testing review articles..